AUPN Department Chairs and Program Director’s Forum
Friday, January 14th, 2022
2pm - 4pm CST /3pm - 5pm EST

Course Description
This course will provide an interactive discussion of topics that are relevant to Neurology education and training.  Specifically, the course will cover the following:

  1. Challenges and opportunities afforded by training Neurology residents and fellows at multiple sites.
    1. Presented by: Dr. England and Dr. Maraganore
  2. Update on ACGME changes starting July 2022
    1. Presented by: Dr. Pawar
  3. Update on Neurology fellowship application timelines
    1. Presented by: Dr. Schuyler
  4. Virtual recruitment of residents and fellows.  Is it here to stay?
    1. Presented by: Dr. Pharr and Dr. Copeland


  1. To know and understand the challenges and opportunities when training residents and fellows at multiple sites.

  2. To know and understand the new ACGME requirements for 2022 and possible shifts in fellowship application timelines.

  3. To understand the present and future role of virtual platforms for recruitment of Neurology residents and fellows.

Moderators & Speakers

Roseville, MN 55113 | Roseville, MN 55113 | 952-545-6724 |
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