AUPN Clerkship Director's Workshop
Friday, February 4th, 2022
12pm - 2pm CST /1pm - 3pm EST

Course Description
This workshop will explore novel ways of evaluating clerkship students. We will begin with an introduction as to why we need new means of assessments. Two panelists who are currently using Pass/Fail grading for their clerkships with multi-modal systems of assessment using collection of multiple data points will present details of their own clerkships at Harvard Medical School & University of California San Francisco. The workshop will conclude with a Question & Answer Session for the panelists.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe why the typical current method of clerkship student assessment is suboptimal.

  2. Understand the key principles of using programmatic assessment to evaluate clerkship students.

  3. Compare pros and cons of changing how we grade clerkship students.

  4. Explore specific details of two current clerkships using programmatic assessment with Pass/Fail grading.

Moderators & Speakers

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