Spring Chairs Session
Simulations for Training in Neurology

Friday, May 13th 
2pm - 4pm CST / 3pm - 5pm EST
Fee: Complimentary to AUPN members, all are welcome to attend

Course Description
Simulation is emerging as an essential technique for teaching in Neurology, facilitating instruction on the diagnosis and management of both common and unusual neurological disorders. Both speakers have substantial experience in applying simulation-based learning in Neurology and will discuss the current state and future potential of this approach.

Learning Objectives

  1. Consider the potential scope of simulation-based learning in neurology

  2. Examine the impact of simulation-based learning on systems-based practice, patient safety and quality of care

  3. Appraise the current role of simulation-based learning in neurology education

AR Company Recommendations

  1. Vuzix 
  2. Xpert eye via Google glass 

Links for neuro scenarios & additional guidelines on proper scenario creation and debriefing following simulation  

  1. https://learn.heart.org/lms/activity?@curriculum.id=-1&@activity.id=5228529&@activity.bundleActivityId=-1 
  2. https://www.stroke.org/-/media/Stroke-Files/EMS-Resources/Simulation-Updates-072021/ASA_How_to_Guide_Stroke_Simulation_Event_2021.pdf 
  3. https://www.teachtraining.org/resources/Emergency_Scenarios_by_Topic_PDFs/Emergency%20Scenario%20-%20Seizure.pdf 
  4. https://palliative.stanford.edu/communication-breaking-bad-news/mr-stanton-and-dr-wiseman/scenario-1/ 
  5. http://www.emsonline.net/assets/2015-BLS-Courses/2015-BLS-Neurological-Emergencies-PracticalScenarios.pdf 
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6489375/#s001 (simulations in appendix) 
  7. www.mededportal.org
  8. www.ssih.org/simconnect
    • this is a great, diverse and interprofessional platform hosted by the Society of Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) to help with networking with other "simulationists" that also contains a registry of various simulation case scenarios 
  9. "Simulation in Acute Neurology" (www.elsevier.com/books/simulation-in-acute-neurology/9780323551342)
    • this is an entire book by productive physicians and "simulationists" out of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN Drs. Sara Hocker and Eelco Wijdicks that offers a whole variety of neurology simulation scenarios - downside: it's pricey for a relatively short book
  10. Website of UAB Office of Interprofessional Simulation (www.uab.edu/simulation/for-facilitators/resources/forms-resources) has a section labeled "Forms and Resources" that provides you with a template for scenario creation and a nice framework on how to conduct a structured debriefing.

Moderator & Speakers

1935 County Road B2, W Ste 165 | Roseville, MN 55113 | 952-545-6724 | neuro@aupn.org
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