AUPN Fall Chair's Session 1:
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion: What does it take to make real progress and how do you improve the pipeline?

Sunday, Oct. 17
11:15am-12:15pm CT / 12:15pm - 1:15pm ET

Course Description
This virtual session will explore the various aspects of implementing the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in an academic practice. Our first speaker will address the challenges of equity, diversity and inclusion – diversity tax, representation fatigue, stereotype threat and building a diverse pipeline with medical students and residents/fellows. The second speaker will discuss programming and integrating diversity, equity and inclusion efforts for the practice. Lastly, our third speaker will give us insights about strategies from other specialties in medicine

Learning Objectives

  1. List the challenges of developing a diverse pipeline.
  2. Obtain the tools to implement diversity, equity and inclusion principles for a practice.
  3. Analyze the strategies that has been used in other specialties of medicine.

Moderator & Speakers


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