Antonio Omuro Named Chair of Neurology and Neurological Science at Stanford
Antonio Omuro, MD has been appointed chair of the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences at Stanford University and the Joseph D. Grant Professor of Neurology, effective February 1, 2024. Dr. Omuro was born in Brazil and is a graduate of the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, where he also completed his residency in Neurology. He has also worked as a clinician and researcher at Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Sorbonne Universities in Paris, France. Dr. Omuro is a graduate of the Neuro-Oncology Fellowship program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, where he held several positions as a faculty member and researcher. He then served as Chief of the Neuro-Oncology Division and head of the Brain Tumor program at the University of Miami and moved to Yale in 2018 as chief of Neuro-Oncology at Yale Cancer Center and founding director of the Yale Family Brain Tumor Center.
Dr. Omuro is an international leader in the clinical care and research of brain tumors, having led pivotal research programs to advance the treatment of these difficult cancers. A fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, he has published more than 140 peer-reviewed research articles and led numerous clinical trials focused on developing new treatments for brain tumors and neurologic complications of cancer. Recently, he led the development of immune-checkpoint inhibitors for glioblastoma from the first Phase 1 studies through the largest Phase 3 international clinical trial ever conducted in this disease.
Please welcome Dr. Omuro to the AUPN!
Chairs Invited to Participate in Our Coaching Program!
We invite you to play a pivotal role in the AUPN Chair-to-Chair Coaching Program as either a Coach or a Mentee. This program aims to pair experienced Chairs (3+ years’ experience) with new Chairs (< 3 years’ experience) to ease the transition into the New Chair's role.
The AUPN Chair-to-Chair Coaching Program provides mentorship to new Chairs during the first three years in their role. Coaches and mentees should connect at least six times throughout the year, either in person, virtually or via phone to maximize benefits of the program. In person meetings at the AAN, ANA or Chair Summit meetings are strongly encouraged. Often the coach and mentee will build a strong relationship and the coach can serve as a long-term resource for the mentee.
If you are interested in participating, please select the appropriate button below and complete the enrollment form by March 10th. The Mentorship Committee will try to match chairs with similar departments or interests, and pairings will be communicated in early April.
Please share your hard-earned expertise and experience with those who can benefit from your wisdom! Sign up for the Chair-to-Chair Coaching Program today!
Leadership Minute
This month’s leadership minute, entitled "Improving Access to Neurology Care" is presented by Gwenn Garden (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and introduced by Tracey A. Milligan (New York Medical College). Providing access to care for patients with neurological disorders has become more and more challenging as demand for care grows beyond our limited departmental resources. What can academic departments do to improve access to care for neurology patients? This leadership minute discusses ways to address the neurology access problem through three key strategies: Inspiration, Incentivization, and Innovation. Tune in to hear about these approaches for solving your patient access problems.
Save the Date: AUPN Spring Chairs Session
The 2024 AUPN Spring Chairs Session, entitled “Promoting Research Among Residents & Fellows,” will occur online Friday, May 3rd at 3-5 PM Eastern, 2-4 PM Central and 12-1 PM Pacific Time. The program will be moderated by David Standaert (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham) and features guest speakers Mitchell S. Elkind (Columbia Univ.), Krish Sathian (Penn State Health) and Aaron Nelson (NYU Langone Health).
Engaging residents in research is essential for developing the physician-scientists who will advance neurological discovery and develop new treatments. The speakers will discuss approaches to overcoming obstacles to resident research including the many time commitments of residents and faculty, difficulty with connecting residents with mentors, and finding financial support for resident research. This session will help you find new ways to promote participation of neurology residents in research.
You can register for the complimentary Spring Chairs Program here.
All members are invited to attend.
Leading Edge Podcast: Gender Disparities In Pay and Promotion
Our latest AUPN podcast, entitled “Minding the Gap: Gender Disparities in Pay and Promotion” is hosted by John Greenfield (Univ. of Connecticut) and presented by Dr. Amy S. Gottleib, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology and Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs, Advancement and Inclusion at the University of Southern California.
Dr. Gottlieb has been a leading voice on closing the gender pay gap in medicine and is currently Chair of the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Group on Women in Medicine and Science Steering Committee. She has published several landmark articles on this topic in the New England Journal of Medicine and Academic Medicine, as well as a book entitled “Closing the Gender Pay Gap in Medicine.” Dr. Gottlieb defines the gender pay gap in medicine and explains how it came to be, why it persists, and what can be done to reduce the gender pay disparity. Listen in to find out how you can help solve this critical problem in academic medicine and neurology.
AUPN Webinar: Balancing Fulfillment and Career
The AUPN Webinar entitled “Balancing Fulfillment and Career” presented by Jessica G. Moreland, MD (UT Southwestern) on Friday, January 26th was well-received by a small but enthusiastic audience. This webinar focused on helping participants recognize their own avenues for a long and healthy career, and explored what work-life integration means and how to understand the ambiguities of a successful academic career. A recording and slides of this webinar is now available free to AUPN members.
AAN Chair Summit
The AAN Ralph L. Sacco Neurology Chair Summit will occur on March 17 & 18, 2024 in Chicago. This fourth Summit will once again bring together chairs and business administrators from across the country to discuss the needs of academic neurology departments and the challenges facing academic neurology leaders. The AAN covers travel and lodging for chairs, and individual departments cover travel and lodging for their BAs. Please reach out to Lauren Klaffke ( for more information.
I hope to see you there!
Chairs: Please pay your dues!
It’s that time of year again. Please support the missions of the AUPN by keeping your membership dues up to date. If you need information to give your Dean about the value provided by AUPN membership, we are happy to provide talking points.
Until next month,
L. John Greenfield, Jr, MD PhD
AUPN President
AUPN encourages you to forward this newsletter to other faculty in your department, or anyone else who might benefit from our programs.
Open Neurology Leadership Positions